Teachers will redesign one of their courses in a blended learning course. They will follow systematically the steps of the design and development process as learned in the course Blended Learning and Moodle in week 1. The results of the meetings about didactical topics are a source of ideas when designing the blended learning course.
The pilot projects are meant:

  1. To show the other teachers how a blended learning course might look like.
  2. To decide how the other teachers could or  should be supported in designing and developing a  blended learning course.
  3. To show which requirements should be fulfilled to make the implementation of blended learning a success.
The products prepared individually or in small groups are discussed plenary. The participants prepare their course in Moodle. The teachers prepare the pilot project which is  meant to develop, try-out  and evaluate the (re) designed  blended learning courses.

The activities of the participants are supported with help of Moodle. Mr. Jan will support the teachers with the redesign of their course. Besides this, he will give some more explanations (F2F) about the steps in the D/D-procedure and the Pilot projects.